Someone has said, “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” One of the greatest signs that God’s heart is being formed within us is evidenced by our giving. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave…” We can give without loving, but we cannot love without giving. And so, as you consider what you will give, ask God to fashion within you the heart of a wise, loving, and generous steward. Stewardship reflects the simple truth that God is the owner of all I have, and I am the manager of all He has given me. As such, my job is to manage His resources in accordance with His financial plan — a plan which includes everything from earning money, to spending money, to saving money, to giving money. When I realize that I am simply a manager of God’s resources, every expenditure becomes a spiritual decision. What I allocate to one area cannot be used in another. So, the question for each of us is, “Does my stewardship of God’s resources reflect God’s priorities or my own?” The easiest way to answer that is to take a look at your checkbook. What evidence exists that you are in touch with His kingdom priorities?
- Mail Checks to Valley Christian Church, PO Box 770, Lakeville, MN 55044
- Set up Online Giving through Breeze.
- Text-to-Give at (952) 800-9998. Just text the amount you want to give.
- Bill Pay through your bank.
- Offering boxes in Worship Center.
If you prefer to give cash and would like your donation to be recorded properly, please use a giving envelope (available each Sunday morning at the offering boxes in the worship center and by the church office).
Contributions to the church may be deductible for tax purposes under certain sections of Federal and State revenue codes. Our full contribution policy is available upon request.
If you prefer to give cash and would like your donation to be recorded properly, please use a giving envelope (available each Sunday morning at the offering boxes in the worship center and by the church office).
Contributions to the church may be deductible for tax purposes under certain sections of Federal and State revenue codes. Our full contribution policy is available upon request.