Know someone who would be a great volunteer?Please download and send them this video as a text or email. Copy and paste the following text in your message:
Hey, I really think you would be a great volunteer for Valley Kids. Watch this short video & then click this link to find out more:
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14 NIV OUR MISSION as Valley Christian Church is to love and protect, teach and support, pray for, and reveal Christ to every child in our midst.
We want to excel at providing Jesus centered care and learning for our children. We need your help to show kids that they are loved by God and by Valley. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, we'd love to hear from you! Let's find your place to serve! Click here to contact Curtis Roth for more info. OPPORTUNITIES FOR SERVING
***Please Note: Valley Covenant Membership required for all adult volunteers. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO ABOUT MEMBERSHIP SUNDAYS
NURSERY TEAM 9:30 to 11 (during worship service) Serve approximately one time per month Offer loving care to children 6 weeks to 36 months Valley Covenant Membership required for all adult volunteers PRESCHOOL TEAM LEAD 9:30 to 11 (during worship service) Serve approximately one time per month Oversee children ages 3 through 5, along with helper(s) Implement Bible lesson and activities (provided) Preschool SAMPLE Lesson.pdf Valley Covenant Membership required PRESCHOOL TEAM HELPER 9:30 to 11 (during worship service) Serve approximately one time per month Oversee and interact with children at play, ages 3 through 5 Assist Lead Volunteer as needed Valley Covenant Membership required for all adult volunteers ELEMENTARY
K-2ND GRADE TEACHER Serve approximately twice per month Lead K-2nd graders through a Jesus-focused Bible lesson (provided) K-2nd SAMPLE Lesson.pdf Valley Covenant Membership required 3RD-5TH GRADE TEACHER Serve approximately twice per month Lead 3rd-5th graders through a discussion based Bible study on theme with the adult message (curriculum provided) 3rd-5th SAMPLE Lesson.pdf Valley Covenant Membership required ELEMENTARY TEAM HELPER Serve approximately one time per month Oversee and prayerfully interact with children K-5th grade Assist the teacher as needed Valley Covenant Membership required for all adult volunteers TEAM EMMA 9:30 to 11 (during worship service) Serve approximately one time per month One-on-one companion for Emma Watczak Valley Covenant Membership required for all adult volunteers WEDNESDAYS
(SEPTEMBER 18 - MAY 14) *breaks between quarters 6:30 - 7:45 PM PRESCHOOL PRESCHOOL TEAM Serve for one quarter or 2 times per month (Fall, Winter, Spring) Oversee play for children ages 3 through 5 Valley Covenant Membership required for all adult volunteers ELEMENTARY TEAM JESUS Serve for one to three quarters (Fall, Winter, Spring) Assist teacher & facilitate small group discussion, prayer & activities (provided) Valley Covenant Membership required |