Hello, Valley Youth and Families!
Can you believe it's almost August?!? Summer is flying by, and we're loving every minute of it!
Big thanks to SO many Valley Youth for helping with our Kid's VBS last week. Watching you all love on our children is a glimpse of the Kingdom, and we're so thankful!
This week, we're back in the word and we're back together in fellowship.
Wednesday Bible Study
See you at 6:00 this Wednesday in SouthSide A - let's point each other toward Jesus!
Friday Pizza and Games
This Friday, August 2, from 5-8 PM, come to the church to hang out with your Valley Youth friends for a Pizza Party and game night!
Please either sign up in the atrium or reply to this email to RSVP so we can get enough pizza. We love hanging out with our Valley Youth!
Looking ahead ...
Save the date - Saturday, August 17 we'll have a picnic in the park. More info to follow - looking forward to even more faith and fellowship.
God bless you!
Becky and Christina
Hello, Valley Youth and Families!
It's turning into a beautiful spring - we're excited for one more week of this quarter
Well Done, Valley Youth!
Youth-Led Service 2024 was a HUGE success! Our congregation was so encouraged. Thank you, Valley Youth, for pointing us toward Jesus!
Last Youth Group of the School Year
It's been such a wonderful school year of pointing each other toward Jesus. Stay tuned for our summer plans, but first ...
End of the Year Bash!Bring a dessert or bag of chips to share, and please BYO lawn chair.
Sign up in the atrium; hope to see you there!
See you Wednesday!
God bless you,
Becky and Christina
Hello, Valley Youth and Families!
It's turning into a beautiful spring - we're excited for one more week of this quarter
Well Done, Valley Youth!
Youth-Led Service 2024 was a HUGE success! Our congregation was so encouraged. Thank you, Valley Youth, for pointing us toward Jesus!
Last Youth Group of the School Year
It's been such a wonderful school year of pointing each other toward Jesus. Stay tuned for our summer plans, but first ...
End of the Year Bash!Bring a dessert or bag of chips to share, and please BYO lawn chair.
Sign up in the atrium; hope to see you there!
See you Wednesday!
God bless you,
Becky and Christina
Hello, Valley Youth and Families!
It's gonna be MAY!
We only have two more Wednesday Youth Group nights left this quarter, and then summer will be here before we know it
But first ... this week is a busy one for Valley Youth, with a lot of opportunities to celebrate and point each other toward Jesus.
Let's Celebrate!Two of our faithful adult youth volunteers are getting MARRIED! Let's celebrate!
This Wednesday, May 1, come to the Youth Room (SSA) for pizza together at 5:45 in celebration of KJ and Tim. (This will overlap the usual church-wide dinner in the atrium, so the rest of the family can eat in the atrium as usual and youth can join us for pizza)
We'll have our usual youth group that night, but we'll add a little celebratory flair to our game time and prayer time, and give students the opportunity to bless their adult friends with prayer, frivolity, and ... advice? :)
Congrats to KJ and Tim!
Youth-Led Sunday ServiceThis is the week, friends!
If you desire to serve on Sunday morning this week and you haven't heard from one of the leaders, please reach out. Lots of plans are being nailed down for each of the teams, so please make sure you are connecting with your leaders so you know where to be when.
A quick reminder for the prayer at the end of the service: we'll be asking the WHOLE Youth Group to come up front at the end of the service for the final prayer. This is to model a prayer of praise that we have done several times in youth group, and we're excited for how meaningful it can be for the whole group to pray together (and yes, adult volunteers, that means you, too!)
Families, let's be in prayer for our students this week. This service is a stretching of our comfort zones, and very often that is exactly where the Lord meets us and works through us! Let's pray that Christ be glorified this weekend!
See you Wednesday!
God bless you,
Becky and Christina
Hello, Valley Youth and Families!
It's gonna be MAY!
We only have two more Wednesday Youth Group nights left this quarter, and then summer will be here before we know it
But first ... this week is a busy one for Valley Youth, with a lot of opportunities to celebrate and point each other toward Jesus.
Let's Celebrate!Two of our faithful adult youth volunteers are getting MARRIED! Let's celebrate!
This Wednesday, May 1, come to the Youth Room (SSA) for pizza together at 5:45 in celebration of KJ and Tim. (This will overlap the usual church-wide dinner in the atrium, so the rest of the family can eat in the atrium as usual and youth can join us for pizza)
We'll have our usual youth group that night, but we'll add a little celebratory flair to our game time and prayer time, and give students the opportunity to bless their adult friends with prayer, frivolity, and ... advice? :)
Congrats to KJ and Tim!
Youth-Led Sunday ServiceThis is the week, friends!
If you desire to serve on Sunday morning this week and you haven't heard from one of the leaders, please reach out. Lots of plans are being nailed down for each of the teams, so please make sure you are connecting with your leaders so you know where to be when.
A quick reminder for the prayer at the end of the service: we'll be asking the WHOLE Youth Group to come up front at the end of the service for the final prayer. This is to model a prayer of praise that we have done several times in youth group, and we're excited for how meaningful it can be for the whole group to pray together (and yes, adult volunteers, that means you, too!)
Families, let's be in prayer for our students this week. This service is a stretching of our comfort zones, and very often that is exactly where the Lord meets us and works through us! Let's pray that Christ be glorified this weekend!
See you Wednesday!
God bless you,
Becky and Christina
Hello, Valley Youth and Families!
We love this Valley Youth community - we're seeking the Lord, sharing our lives, and finding our places to serve. Read on for more about how we're doing that in the coming weeks!
They're getting married!
Two of our faithful adult youth volunteers are getting MARRIED! Let's celebrate!
Next Wednesday, May 1, come to the Youth Room (SSA) for pizza together at 5:45 in celebration of KJ and Tim. (This will overlap the usual church-wide dinner in the atrium, so the rest of the family can eat in the atrium as usual and youth can join us for pizza)
We'll have our usual youth group that night, but we'll add a little celebratory flair to our game time and prayer time, and give students the opportunity to bless their adult friends with prayer, frivolity, and ... advice? :)
Congrats to KJ and Tim!
Youth-Led Sunday Service
On Sunday, May 5th, our youth are going to serve our church in every aspect of our Sunday morning gathering! We will pray, sing, play our instruments, read Scripture, serve communion, be on tech team - and point our church toward Jesus!
This past Wednesday, we had a GREAT response from the students when they were asked to sign up for roles that interested them! If you expressed interest in a role, you should be hearing more details soon - please reply to those emails so we know who is confirmed for which role.
Below is the order of the service and the roles that are available. If you want to serve in some way and haven't let us know yet, please reply to this email to express interest and we'll be in touch soon
Youth-Led Worship Service
Sunday, May 5, 2024
Service order:
Song 1: Glorious Day
Opening Prayer: (with Christina)
Song 2: Great is the Lord
Song 3: Great Are You, Lord
Prayers of the Church (2 students)
Scripture Reading (1 student)
Communion Meditation: Dewey Roth
Interactive Worship (Student Prayer Team)
Song 4: 10,000 Reasons
Bible Study: (with Becky) “God is…” statements. 7 students - you can plan ahead!
Closing Prayer of Praise: ALL Youth Students and Volunteers, Christina start
Closing Song: Repeat Great are You, Lord chorus
Benediction: (1 student)
Save the Date - End of the Year Party
May 25
More details coming soon :)
Hello, Valley Youth and Families!
We love this Valley Youth community - we're seeking the Lord, sharing our lives, and finding our places to serve. Read on for more about how we're doing that in the coming weeks!
They're getting married!
Two of our faithful adult youth volunteers are getting MARRIED! Let's celebrate!
Next Wednesday, May 1, come to the Youth Room (SSA) for pizza together at 5:45 in celebration of KJ and Tim. (This will overlap the usual church-wide dinner in the atrium, so the rest of the family can eat in the atrium as usual and youth can join us for pizza)
We'll have our usual youth group that night, but we'll add a little celebratory flair to our game time and prayer time, and give students the opportunity to bless their adult friends with prayer, frivolity, and ... advice? :)
Congrats to KJ and Tim!
Youth-Led Sunday Service
On Sunday, May 5th, our youth are going to serve our church in every aspect of our Sunday morning gathering! We will pray, sing, play our instruments, read Scripture, serve communion, be on tech team - and point our church toward Jesus!
This past Wednesday, we had a GREAT response from the students when they were asked to sign up for roles that interested them! If you expressed interest in a role, you should be hearing more details soon - please reply to those emails so we know who is confirmed for which role.
Below is the order of the service and the roles that are available. If you want to serve in some way and haven't let us know yet, please reply to this email to express interest and we'll be in touch soon
Youth-Led Worship Service
Sunday, May 5, 2024
Service order:
Song 1: Glorious Day
Opening Prayer: (with Christina)
Song 2: Great is the Lord
Song 3: Great Are You, Lord
Prayers of the Church (2 students)
Scripture Reading (1 student)
Communion Meditation: Dewey Roth
Interactive Worship (Student Prayer Team)
Song 4: 10,000 Reasons
Bible Study: (with Becky) “God is…” statements. 7 students - you can plan ahead!
Closing Prayer of Praise: ALL Youth Students and Volunteers, Christina start
Closing Song: Repeat Great are You, Lord chorus
Benediction: (1 student)
Save the Date - End of the Year Party
May 25
More details coming soon :)
April Fellowship Event
Let's have some fun in our community!
On Saturday April 20, meet us at Dairy Delight on Holyoke in Downtown Lakeville for a scavenger hunt in the beautiful downtown area just south of our church. Bring money to enjoy ice cream with friends! Sign up in the atrium.
Youth Group T-Shirts
We're so excited for our Valley Youth-designed T-Shirts!
Our youth came up with these ideas and voted on the winning design - order yours today!
Valley Youth participants will be able to order theirs at a discounted price.
The price of $25 that is being offered to adults is, in part, helping to raise funds for summer missions. Because our Valley Youth helped to create these shirts, we want to offer them the lower cost of $20.
Adults should order their T-Shirts with the order forms that are in the church atrium this month.
Both shirts have the Ephesians 2:10 verse on the back, and both highlight something we talked about in our Bible study on that passage. We're going to talk in group this week about ways we can use shirts like this to start conversations that might point people toward Jesus. Can't wait!
On May 5th, the youth are taking over the worship service!
We point each other toward Jesus every week in youth group - let's do it with our whole church!
May 5 will be Valley's Youth-Led service. We will be asking youth to sign up for things like prayer, Scripture reading, worship team, and Bible study, as well as helping with things behind the scenes. Be thinking and praying about how you can share your gifts to point our church toward Jesus.
If you have thoughts or questions before signing up, please reach out!
April Fellowship Event
Let's have some fun in our community!
On Saturday April 20, meet us at Dairy Delight on Holyoke in Downtown Lakeville for a scavenger hunt in the beautiful downtown area just south of our church. Bring money to enjoy ice cream with friends! Sign up in the atrium.
Youth Group T-Shirts
We're so excited for our Valley Youth-designed T-Shirts!
Our youth came up with these ideas and voted on the winning design - order yours today!
Valley Youth participants will be able to order theirs at a discounted price.
The price of $25 that is being offered to adults is, in part, helping to raise funds for summer missions. Because our Valley Youth helped to create these shirts, we want to offer them the lower cost of $20.
Adults should order their T-Shirts with the order forms that are in the church atrium this month.
Both shirts have the Ephesians 2:10 verse on the back, and both highlight something we talked about in our Bible study on that passage. We're going to talk in group this week about ways we can use shirts like this to start conversations that might point people toward Jesus. Can't wait!
On May 5th, the youth are taking over the worship service!
We point each other toward Jesus every week in youth group - let's do it with our whole church!
May 5 will be Valley's Youth-Led service. We will be asking youth to sign up for things like prayer, Scripture reading, worship team, and Bible study, as well as helping with things behind the scenes. Be thinking and praying about how you can share your gifts to point our church toward Jesus.
If you have thoughts or questions before signing up, please reach out!