Hello, Valley Youth and Families!
There's so many wonderful things coming up in Valley Youth!
In this email:
Youth Worship Service!
Once a year, the youth group takes over the worship service!
Sunday, February 9, our youth will be leading and serving to point our congregation toward Jesus. Our students will have the opportunity to serve in music, prayer, reading, speaking, and behind the scenes.
Students, if you haven't expressed interest in a volunteer role yet, this week is the week to do it! There's definitely still room for you :)
Worship Team Rehearsal for this service will be next Wednesday, February 5 after youth group 8-9PM! We can help with carpool rides home if needed - see you there!
Info Meeting this Sunday!
Join us after the service this Sunday to learn more about our inter-generational trip! We're excited to see what the Lord has planned :)
Parent's Night Out / Progressive Dinner Fundraiser
We're going on a multi-generational mission trip, let's kick things off with a multi-generational fundraiser!
Adults - have a fun night out at Valley's Progressive Dinner!
Youth - have a fun night hanging out with Valley Kids and raising funds for summer missions!
Adults who are Youth Volunteers - you get to pick! Do you want to hang out with kids or hang out with adults? Fun night either way!
Kids - have a fun night hanging out with Valley Youth while adults participate in the Progressive Dinner!
Our Valley Kids LOVE hanging out with Valley Youth! And our Valley Adults LOVE hanging out together :) Let's have a great time WHILE raising money for summer missions!
See you Wednesday!
God bless you,
Becky and Jason
Hello, Valley Youth and Families!
There's so many wonderful things coming up in Valley Youth!
In this email:
- Youth Worship Service!
- Mission Trip Info Meeting
- Parent's Night Out / Progressive Dinner Fundraiser
Youth Worship Service!
Once a year, the youth group takes over the worship service!
Sunday, February 9, our youth will be leading and serving to point our congregation toward Jesus. Our students will have the opportunity to serve in music, prayer, reading, speaking, and behind the scenes.
Students, if you haven't expressed interest in a volunteer role yet, this week is the week to do it! There's definitely still room for you :)
Worship Team Rehearsal for this service will be next Wednesday, February 5 after youth group 8-9PM! We can help with carpool rides home if needed - see you there!
Info Meeting this Sunday!
Join us after the service this Sunday to learn more about our inter-generational trip! We're excited to see what the Lord has planned :)
Parent's Night Out / Progressive Dinner Fundraiser
We're going on a multi-generational mission trip, let's kick things off with a multi-generational fundraiser!
Adults - have a fun night out at Valley's Progressive Dinner!
Youth - have a fun night hanging out with Valley Kids and raising funds for summer missions!
Adults who are Youth Volunteers - you get to pick! Do you want to hang out with kids or hang out with adults? Fun night either way!
Kids - have a fun night hanging out with Valley Youth while adults participate in the Progressive Dinner!
Our Valley Kids LOVE hanging out with Valley Youth! And our Valley Adults LOVE hanging out together :) Let's have a great time WHILE raising money for summer missions!
See you Wednesday!
God bless you,
Becky and Jason
Hello, Valley Youth and Families!
It's going to be a great day today! Looking forward to Youth Group tonight!
There's SO much coming up in the life of our youth group
In this email:
Youth Worship Service!
Once a year, the youth group takes over the worship service!
Sunday, February 9, our youth will be leading and serving to point our congregation toward Jesus. Our students will have the opportunity to serve in music, prayer, reading, speaking, and behind the scenes.
Last week in Youth Group we talked about various roles and many of our students shared their interests for that day.
If you haven't already communicated your interest in serving on that day, please click below to let us know how you'd like to serve!
Click here to tell us how you'd like to participate in the Feb 9 Youth Service!
Mission Trip Info Meeting
It's so exciting to see our youth excited to GO and serve this summer!
And even more exciting is that this Sunday we're going to talk about how we want to serve with Valley ADULTS as well! It's a multi-generational mission trip - let's GO together!
We're looking towards the week of June 15, plus travel days.
All who are interested are invited to attend an informational meeting on Sunday February 2 after the worship service.
Parent's Night Out Fundraiser
It's always so fun to hang with Valley kids and raise money for summer missions!
This year, on February 22, we're partnering with Women's Ministries and Men's Ministries to provide childcare during a Valley Adult fellowship dinner. WIN WIN WIN!
Parents, sign-ups for the dinner and childcare starting this Sunday at church - more info soon
YOUTH! Sign up HERE or in the atrium to help with the kids!
Click here to sign up to help with our Parent's Night Out Fundraiser
The Sermon on the Mount
We're diving back into the Sermon on the Mount tonight.
ee y'all there!
Let your Kingdom come, Lord ...
See you at Youth Group!
God bless you,
Becky and Jason
It's going to be a great day today! Looking forward to Youth Group tonight!
There's SO much coming up in the life of our youth group
In this email:
- Youth Worship Service!
- Parent's Night Out Fundraiser
- Summer Missions Info Meeting
Youth Worship Service!
Once a year, the youth group takes over the worship service!
Sunday, February 9, our youth will be leading and serving to point our congregation toward Jesus. Our students will have the opportunity to serve in music, prayer, reading, speaking, and behind the scenes.
Last week in Youth Group we talked about various roles and many of our students shared their interests for that day.
If you haven't already communicated your interest in serving on that day, please click below to let us know how you'd like to serve!
Click here to tell us how you'd like to participate in the Feb 9 Youth Service!
Mission Trip Info Meeting
It's so exciting to see our youth excited to GO and serve this summer!
And even more exciting is that this Sunday we're going to talk about how we want to serve with Valley ADULTS as well! It's a multi-generational mission trip - let's GO together!
We're looking towards the week of June 15, plus travel days.
All who are interested are invited to attend an informational meeting on Sunday February 2 after the worship service.
Parent's Night Out Fundraiser
It's always so fun to hang with Valley kids and raise money for summer missions!
This year, on February 22, we're partnering with Women's Ministries and Men's Ministries to provide childcare during a Valley Adult fellowship dinner. WIN WIN WIN!
Parents, sign-ups for the dinner and childcare starting this Sunday at church - more info soon
YOUTH! Sign up HERE or in the atrium to help with the kids!
Click here to sign up to help with our Parent's Night Out Fundraiser
The Sermon on the Mount
We're diving back into the Sermon on the Mount tonight.
ee y'all there!
Let your Kingdom come, Lord ...
See you at Youth Group!
God bless you,
Becky and Jason
Hello, Valley Youth and Families!
Wow, January just rolls right in, doesn't it? It was so wonderful to have such a full room with so much energy last week at youth group - let's keep it up!
In this email:
Youth Worship Service!
Once a year, the youth group takes over the worship service!
Sunday, February 9, our youth will be leading and serving to point our congregation toward Jesus. Our students will have the opportunity to serve in music, prayer, reading, speaking, and behind the scenes. We'll start talking this week about different roles and opportunities students have to serve.
Mark your calendars! It's always so encouraging to be led in worship by our students!
A Summer Announcement is Coming ...We've been praying and planning and seeking the Lord's heart and we're excited to see what the Lord is going to do with us this summer!
There's so much information on the way soon ...
but for now ...
Keep the week of June 15 (plus travel days?) available, because we are going to GO!
The Sermon on the Mount
Last week, we started our study of the Sermon on the Mount. We read the whole thing and asked students to submit questions they had - and they delivered! I love this group's curiosity and eager hearts to seek the Lord. Y'all are asking exactly the right questions!
We're going to go through the whole thing slowly and talk about it all.
If you or your family would like to learn more along with us, we'll send out some videos along the way for the extra bonus material. Take a look!
Let your Kingdom come, Lord ...
Click here to check out the first Sermon on the Mount video
One more thing ...
If you are joining us for Arctic Blast, be sure to check out the updated travel plans in this morning's email. As always, reach out if you have any questions
We're excited for this weekend!
See you Wednesday!God bless you,
Becky and Jason
Hello, Valley Youth and Families!
Wow, January just rolls right in, doesn't it? It was so wonderful to have such a full room with so much energy last week at youth group - let's keep it up!
In this email:
- Youth Worship Service!
- Summer Plans
- Sermon on the Mount
Youth Worship Service!
Once a year, the youth group takes over the worship service!
Sunday, February 9, our youth will be leading and serving to point our congregation toward Jesus. Our students will have the opportunity to serve in music, prayer, reading, speaking, and behind the scenes. We'll start talking this week about different roles and opportunities students have to serve.
Mark your calendars! It's always so encouraging to be led in worship by our students!
A Summer Announcement is Coming ...We've been praying and planning and seeking the Lord's heart and we're excited to see what the Lord is going to do with us this summer!
There's so much information on the way soon ...
but for now ...
Keep the week of June 15 (plus travel days?) available, because we are going to GO!
The Sermon on the Mount
Last week, we started our study of the Sermon on the Mount. We read the whole thing and asked students to submit questions they had - and they delivered! I love this group's curiosity and eager hearts to seek the Lord. Y'all are asking exactly the right questions!
We're going to go through the whole thing slowly and talk about it all.
If you or your family would like to learn more along with us, we'll send out some videos along the way for the extra bonus material. Take a look!
Let your Kingdom come, Lord ...
Click here to check out the first Sermon on the Mount video
One more thing ...
If you are joining us for Arctic Blast, be sure to check out the updated travel plans in this morning's email. As always, reach out if you have any questions
We're excited for this weekend!
See you Wednesday!God bless you,
Becky and Jason
January 7, 2025
Hello, Valley Youth and Families!
Happy 2025! The holiday season is so wonderful, and now we're excited to get back into the word together in Youth Group this week. It's time! We miss you all!
In this email:
Our Next Study ...Matthew's account of Jesus' life in chapters 5-7 records a teaching of Jesus we call The Sermon on the Mount. What did these words mean when Jesus said them 2,000 years ago, and what might they say to us today? And ... what does that say about God? :)
Let your Kingdom come and your will be done right here on the earth as it is in heaven....
Arctic Blast - check your email!
If you're joining us for Arctic Blast on January 17, keep your eyes open for an important email this week. Travel plans and packing lists are headed your way! Can't wait for a great weekend!
Looking Ahead ...Here's a sneak peek about events coming up in February - Save the Dates!
See you Wednesday!
Youth Group starts at 6:30 - join us for dinner at 5:45. See you there!
God bless you,
Becky and Jason
Hello, Valley Youth and Families!
Happy 2025! The holiday season is so wonderful, and now we're excited to get back into the word together in Youth Group this week. It's time! We miss you all!
In this email:
- Sermon on the Mount
- Arctic Blast!
- Looking ahead ...
Our Next Study ...Matthew's account of Jesus' life in chapters 5-7 records a teaching of Jesus we call The Sermon on the Mount. What did these words mean when Jesus said them 2,000 years ago, and what might they say to us today? And ... what does that say about God? :)
Let your Kingdom come and your will be done right here on the earth as it is in heaven....
Arctic Blast - check your email!
If you're joining us for Arctic Blast on January 17, keep your eyes open for an important email this week. Travel plans and packing lists are headed your way! Can't wait for a great weekend!
Looking Ahead ...Here's a sneak peek about events coming up in February - Save the Dates!
- Youth Worship Service - on Sunday, February 9, Valley Youth takes over every aspect of the Sunday morning worship service :)
I love this yearly opportunity to point our church toward Jesus together! - Parent’s Night Out – Saturday Feb 22. Valley Youth providing childcare for a combined men’s and women’s ministry dinner event. This is a service project AND a fundraiser for summer missions – plus, it’s just lots of FUN!
See you Wednesday!
Youth Group starts at 6:30 - join us for dinner at 5:45. See you there!
God bless you,
Becky and Jason
Hello, Valley Youth and Families!
It was so lovely to celebrate Christmas with Valley Youth this past weekend. I always love that we get to spread some joy and have some fun, all while remembering that heavenly babe born in a manger. We love because he first loved us!
Only one announcement this week ...
Arctic Blast Registration
To Register:
Step 1: The link below will take you to Valley's sign-up and payment page for this event.
Step 2: Once you've completed that form, you will receive an email with a link to register your student(s) with Camp Lebanon
Hope to see you there!
Click here to begin the registration process for Arctic Blast
We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!
God bless you,
Becky and Jason
Hello, Valley Youth and Families!
It was so lovely to celebrate Christmas with Valley Youth this past weekend. I always love that we get to spread some joy and have some fun, all while remembering that heavenly babe born in a manger. We love because he first loved us!
Only one announcement this week ...
Arctic Blast Registration
To Register:
Step 1: The link below will take you to Valley's sign-up and payment page for this event.
Step 2: Once you've completed that form, you will receive an email with a link to register your student(s) with Camp Lebanon
Hope to see you there!
Click here to begin the registration process for Arctic Blast
We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!
God bless you,
Becky and Jason