The following words are the titles of each month´s letter written along with a brief summery of 2 months combined. Enjoy. January - Victory in Jesus Febuary - Multitasking Missionary "We pass on the baton to a new generation of leaders." March - Thy Will be Done April - I have learned.... "Teaching children, Jesus loves them." May - Let the Little Children come to Me June - Teaching by Faith "Teaching and preaching, our mission purpose." July - A Time of Celebration August - Virtual Celebration "New ideals and new goals as souls are won to Christ." September - Generosity Fulfilled October - Thank you for your Service "Fulfilling the Great Commission as new leaders are taught." November - Your Missionary at Work December - Nativity - Navidad "The doors of the mission are once again open as we celebrate the birth of Jesus." As I read over the words written each month along with their titles, there is a common thread that ties together each month. Faith. Faith that continues to support the ministry it was built upon. Faith that allowed us to teach, preach and share the Gospel in new ways. Faith that supported us during financial difficulties and the pandemic of 2020-2021. Faith that will continue to support the ministry to bring the "Good News" of Jesus Christ to the inner city of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Many people measure success in different ways. As missionaries we don´t look at success with our eyes focused on the past or present but dream of the future, "Fix your eyes on Jesus". New people were won to Christ during 2021, that was our success, but it does not mean that our job is finished. As we close out 2021, we see that each and every monetary need was completely met even though the inflation rate grew more than 7%+ in Mexico during the year. Lives were touched by your generosity and lives were won for Christ by your prayers. This is our purpose and it was accomplished. January 2022 we will present the future of E.M.M., with its needs of course, but more importantly the work yet to be accomplished. The New Year will be a land mark year for the ministry in the inner city. 1972 - 2022 Fifty years of ministry to the inner city´s needs of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. C.D.N. - E.M.M. Under two different names but the purpose never changed: share Jesus. 1992 - 2022 Thirty years for the ministry of the Ontañon Church of Christ. Under the leadership of two different missionaries/ministers but with the same purpose and common goal: share Jesus. There have been countless children, youth and adults helped in the past 50 years and there have been many souls washed white as snow through the ministry of the mission and church. There is only one person to thank for all that has been accomplished, God, for the strength given us to see that His ministry continues in the inner city. By mid January, a financial report of 2021 will be available to those that desire one and a proposed budget of 2022 by the board of directors of E.M.M.. We will be cleaning up our contact lists both physical and electronically. If you are interested in continuing to recieve information about the ministry please advise us as your name may be dropped. We don´t want to leave anyone out in all that God is doing through the ministry of E.M.M. Serving with you as your Field Director, Minister, College Professor, and Friend. Jose Manuel Gonzalez Serving with you for the past 31 years as Directors of E.M.M. David and Sheri DeBolt Address: 2950 E. - 350 N. Bluffton, IN 46714 Hello Valley Christian Church, Christmas is a time of celebration, but it’s also a time of reflection. There’s a passage in Philippians which is sort of the shortest version of the Christmas story. Philippians 2:5-11 shares with us about the incarnation. Everything is different because of God coming to earth. The older I get, and in these times of COVID and other uncertainties, it is so good to look back and reflect on God’s coming to earth as one of us, and changing everything, then, now and forever! Besides reflecting on the incarnation, I love this time of year because I get to look back at what God has done through GoCorps in the last year, and the picture that immediately comes to mind is YOU. It is YOUR faces that flash through my mind, because I know that each of you reading this and watching the video greeting below are the ones who are the GoCorps team, the ones who make the day to day work of GoCorps a reality! With gratitude and joy, Paul Van Der Werf President and CEO CLICK HERE OR ON IMAGE ABOVE FOR VIDEO
Nativity - Navidad In English or Spanish, Nativity or Navidad the meaning is the same, the birth of Jesus Christ. The miracle message that our Savior, our Emanuel came to be with us. As I look around the house there are many reminders of this magical time of year., The tiny vintage Christmas tree decorated with ornaments from Christmas past. Colorful ceramic Christmas trees decorate the kitchen as well as the living room and let´s not forget to admire that once a year tradition of seeing grandma´s hand painted ceramic gingerbread house on display. There are snow globes that sparkle as the pretend snow slowly drifts down over there unique Christmas scenes. Pine scented candles send that once a year Christmas aroma throughout the house. Then there are the four very unique Nativity scenes. Let me describe each one. One was a gift from last Christmas. A beautiful one piece scene of the Nativity with the words to that classic Christmas hymn, "Joy to the World" on one side. The entire scene is embedded in an antique looking Bible scroll. Another is of a tiny wooden stable with miniature figurines standing each in its proper place while looking at Jesus in the manger. Then there is a very special one that took years to make just perfect. A large wooden stable with a rustic roof and each year a new ceramic figure was added to this beautiful Nativity scene from an open market in Mexico. Large palm trees over look the manger and the shepherds with their flocks looking at the new born King. Finally the forth Nativity is made of a very special wood and came from a very far away place. Rustic in its design. Simple and unique in the way a carpenter designed and hand crafted and carved each piece. It´s from Israel, Jerusalem to be exact and made from the very trees that Jesus traveled through, olive trees and probably as a child he too carved wooden figures. Unique indeed. A hand carved manger and Jesus placed in its fold. Coming from the very place that God came to earth in the form of a baby born and placed in a manger, in the city of Bethlehem. God our creator came to live with us and was placed in a lowly humble stable. King of Kings, Lord of Lords, God in all his glory and infinite love came as a child and they named him Jesus. Our Savior and Lord We truly thank you for sharing in so many different ways during 2021. Many gifts were given so that the true meaning of Christmas the Nativity could be shared all year long here in the inner city of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Children, youth and adults were touched by your generosity. Countless individual and families were ministered to through the ministry of Emanuel Mexico Mission. The list seems endless, but to put it all in one word, that would be, Nativity or Navidad. We celebrate the message of Christmas everyday with everyone because of the birth of Jesus Christ. Born to simple folk, lived his youth as a carpenters son, stepped into ministry with twelve unknown and unlearned men that would later turn the world upside down, all because of his birth in that lowly humble stable. God came to earth and with that he brought us the greatest gift of all, Salvation. We celebrate the Nativity at E.M.M. just like many of you. There will be Christmas carols sung at church and share gifts to those less fortunate that us. The Nativity story from both the Gospel books of Matthew and Luke will be read. The kitchen will be filled with the wonderful smells of a Christmas Eve midnight meal that will include Christmas punch and of course what Mexican Christmas meal would not be the same without a variety of warm delicious tamales and atole. Every manger scene helps us to remember the very true meaning of Christmas . The glorious way that God came to earth. Thankful, blessed and knowing that Emanuel means, "God with us" and indeed he truly is. Feliz Navidad - Merry Christmas Thank you and may God bless your Christmas beyond belief this year. We are truly blessed by your gifts and prayers so we can share the Nativity - Navidad to an inner city and beyond. "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11 Wishing your the very best this Christmas season and New Year with all its new opportunities. Jose Manuel Gonzalez David and Sheri DeBolt