Dear Friends,
Registration is now open for our Gala and Auction at Brackett’s Crossing Country Club in Lakeville on October 22! Seating is limited, so sign up soon. There are a couple tables left to host. Contact me for more information. Evening Agenda - Note time change! Check In & Fellowship: 6:00 p.m. Welcome & Blessing: 6:35 p.m. Dinner: 6:45 p.m. Program: 7:45 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Please keep the event in your prayers. From our staff presentations to the client testimony to our fellowship around the tables, join us in praying that God would be glorified throughout the evening! Here are some of the important links: Gala Details Challenge Partner Information Event Sponsorship Opportunities – Thank you to our sponsors: Anonymous Couple, Restored Thrift Store, James R. Hill, Inc., and Deckert Law, P.A. Online Auction - Register to bid. We are still collecting items. Contact me to donate. Bidding opens on Monday, October 18 at 8:00 a.m. Thanks for your consistent support of this ministry. Michele Hartshorn Center Administrator Office: 952-898-4350 Cell: 612-816-6194 [email protected] Amnion Pregnancy Center 13775 Nicollet Avenue South Burnsville, MN 55337 CLICK ON THE FILE ICONS BELOW TO VIEW THE MOST RECENT ABC NEWSLETTER AND THE BOETTCHER'S AIRMAIL NEWSLETTER
August 13, 2021 Thank you! Greetings once again from your mission partners in Mexico. With your help Jose completed a successful month of VBS and Camp during July. All the children loved VBS and the Adults especially liked being included in VBS with their own class time. Camp week was fruitful as 12 young people came to Christ and others rededicated their lives in response to the Word being preached. During the week Jose was responsible for all the worship times and each evening shared the devotion. Unfortunately, at the end of camp week several campers and the majority of staff came down with COVID. Glad to report that most are out of danger of COVID and just two more are still recovering. Jose had mild symptoms of COVID but recovered quickly Values of E.M.M. require living daily in each one of the following ways: A. Preach - Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples, baptizing…” B. Teach - Matthew 28:20 “teaching them to obey…” C. Share - D. Feed - Matthew 25:35-36 “You did for me…” E. Love - God bless you richly as you allow us to share the Gospel to the Inner City of San Luis Potosi and beyond. Jose Manuel Gonzalez David and Sheri DeBolt
VIRTUAL CELEBRATION - OCTOBER 8, 2021 Emanuel Mexico Mission celebrated lives changed during the month of July, 2021. Over 69 children and adults attended a week of VBS filled with crafts, music, games and most importantly the message that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. During camp, Jose had the privilege to lead worship and preach the evening devotion each night. Twelve young people gave their lives to Christ and were obedient to Christian baptism and others rededicated their vows to live a life worthy of the Christian calling. Another celebration in the making is a Virtual Celebration on October 8, 2021. Even though it is early August we are preparing for a virtual, visual celebration. Letters have been sent out to those who would like to be a virtual host and those that are close to the ministry. On October 8, small groups and families will meet in their homes from California to Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, Louisiana and many other places to hear about the ministry via a Virtual Celebration. A video is being produced to help each leader share the ministry of E.M.M. and gifts will be provided for all attendees. A special offering will be recieved that evening to support the ministry of E.M.M. During 2022, E.M.M. will complete 50 years of ministry in the inner city of San Luis Potosi and the Ontañon Church of Christ will complete 30 years. More reasons to come celebrate with us. Will you celebrate this special time of virtual sharing and giving? If you would like more information about this event or want to host a group in your home or Sunday School class please let us know as soon as possible. To make your giving more easy we now have PayPal and Venmo. Just ask and we will get you connected. Celebrating each day! Jose, David and Sheri |