July 10, 2022
Dear Friends of MARC, It is with great joy, I share that most of the isolated communities in Alaska have removed the travel and health restrictions that previously impeded ministry transportation during the past two years. This has resulted in a significant increase in mission flying for MARC. All Christian youth camps have returned to normal operations. Church work teams are able to go to remote villages to assist with construction projects and evangelism activities. We are grateful to provide our ministry aircraft and pilots to make these events happen. Additional flying means additional operational expenses. We are grateful for several donations that have been made to assist us with Bible camp travel costs for native children and help mitigate the impact of higher fuel costs. We are also grateful for a recent donation of $500,000 towards the purchase of an efficient Cessna Caravan aircraft. As our aircraft fleet ages and ministry flight requests increase, we are pursuing an additional airplane to meet these needs. Approximately, one million dollars remains necessary to purchase a newer aircraft. Our goal is to have this new ministry tool serving by 2024. If God places either of these two needs are your heart, please consider contributing towards these funds. Please pray for the Gospel to reach the communities in Alaska. We are grateful for your participation in helping us fulfill the Great Commission. Thank you for your partnership and interest in MARC. For His Glory, Peter Bastke, Executive Director Missionary Aviation Repair Center Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19-20 PRAY THROUGH THE MONTH FOR MARC
1st Donors to MARC Thank the Lord for the many generous donors that make the ministry of MARC possible. Thank Him for the generous gifts received towards the purchase of a new Cessna Caravan aircraft. Pray for additional funds to come in to offset the rising fuel costs affecting the ministry flying. 2nd Tom & Nancy Armstrong (Pre-Field Staff) Pray for Tom and Nancy as they complete their fund raising process in preparation of serving full time with MARC. Pray for their preparation and journey north to Alaska. 3rd Peter & Sara Bastke (Director) Praise the Lord for a good start of the year with many ministry opportunities for MARC and their family. Peter has been able to represent the ministry on several trips to the Lower 48 this year. Please pray for Peter as he leads the team at MARC. Pray for Sara as she homeschools and helps with office tasks at the hangar. Pray that their boys would grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and be tethered to Him. 4th Kyle & Ellen Braband (Flight Instructor) They are thankful for the opportunities to minister in rural Alaska this winter. Please pray for doors to continue to open in villages across the state. They also praise the Lord for His faithfulness as they celebrated their tenth anniversary in November of moving to Alaska to serve with MARC. Pray that they would continue steadfastly in the work He has called them to. 5th New MARC Staff Thank the LORD for many staff that faithfully serve at MARC. Pray for additional aviation and administrative staff to join the team to meet expanding ministry opportunities. 6th Brian & Elizabeth Bruxvoort (Chief Pilot) Pray for excellence, clarity, and organization for Brian in his work responsibilities. Pray for continued health, strength, faithfulness, wisdom, and God’s perspective to do their work according to His will. Pray that they and their children will press on to know the Lord, serve God joyfully, and submit to Him. Pray for good preparations made for summer camp flying, and that many children will come to know the Lord, and that others will be strengthened in their faith. 7th Mickey & Ellen Duyck (Operations Manager) Please continue to pray for the adoption process and patience for the slow pace. Please pray for Ellen as her employer is prepping to be sold. Pray for peace for her and for what God has in store for her next. Continue to pray for Mickey as he balances work, school, and family commitments. Please pray for wisdom and good decision-making for the boys regarding school and choice of friends. 8th Brian & Debbie Ford (Mechanic) Pray for them as they live and serve in Soldotna/Kenai and as they are involved in church, schools, and the community. Pray that they can be an encouragement to other believers, missionaries, those in rural Alaska, and a light to their friends and neighbors who may be far from God. Praise for Debbie’s mother, her scans have continued to be clear and show no evidence of recurrence of cancer cells. 9th MARC fleet renewal Recently MARC received a substantial donation to assist with the purchase of a new Cessna 208 Caravan aircraft. Please pray for the remaining funds to come in so the right versatile airplane can meet the increasing needs of the remote missionary communities. 10th Kevin & Brenda Fuqua (Finance Manager) They would like to ask prayer for their family. Please also pray for continued guidance as to Kevin’s work and their location. 11th Jesse & Becky Glosser (IT Manager) Please pray for their upcoming furlough this summer. Pray that God would provide for their journey across the country. Pray that they would humbly represent MARC’s mission and their calling. Pray that the Lord will supply their needs for the next three years of service at MARC. 12th Collier & Allyson Hard (Facility Manager) Pray for the safe delivery of baby boy Lyle at the end of March and for the Lord to provide the right home for them to buy. 13th Churches Please pray for the rural churches and believers that have struggled this past year with low attendance and spiritual apathy. Pray for encouragement for the pastors and missionaries. Pray for growth and revival in Alaskan villages. 14th Fred & Lydia Holcomb (Flight Instructor) Pray for the Holcomb family for the salvation and spiritual growth of their children. Pray for working with the local church and working with people in the addiction recovery community. 15th Titus & Hannah Mease (Mechanic) Pray that they would have wisdom with Jael’s schooling, and that they would be effective in their ministry at MARC and their church. 16th MARC Maintenance MARC was recently able to assist a ministry in Brazil with the acquisition of an amphibian Cessna 206. After a week of maintenance and inspections, one of our pilots helped fly it from Alaska to Michigan where it will receive some modifications. We are grateful that our ministry maintenance services have extended far beyond the borders of Alaska. 17th Joel & Sarah Oyoumick (Flight Scheduler) Pray for continued wisdom in parenting and balancing ministry, family, and community activities. They are thankful for more open doors to rural Alaska. Please pray for safety in flying and maintenance as the spring and summer season approaches. Praise Him for His faithfulness and how He proves over and over that He is enough. 18th Kylor & Tabitha Schultz (Parts Manager) Please pray that they could get Hudson's allergies figured out. The poor sleep and all the extra cooking has Tabitha pretty worn out. They are looking into adopting. Please pray for direction as they try to finalize decisions. Please pray for the longer spring flights Kylor has coming up. 19th MARC Flight School Pray for the students that come to MARC to receive flight training. Many are not Christ followers. Pray that the conversations and interactions with our missionary pilots will lead them to a relationship with God. 20th Paul & Cindy Scoskie (Flight Instructor) Paul and Cindy are completing their first year in Alaska. Pray for Paul as he flight instructs and interacts with the local aviation community. Pray for Cindy as she serves as a nurse at the local hospital. 21st Derek & Hannah Steward (Mechanic) Pray for their upcoming furlough this summer as they make plans to meet with their ministry partners. Pray for wisdom parenting their wonderful kids. 22nd Aaron & Maila Stocks (Flight Instructor) Praise God for His provision of a pickup truck when the engine on theirs unexpectedly seized. Pray for wisdom as they steward all the resources and time God has entrusted to them. Pray for encouragement for believers in the villages. 23rd Missionaries serving in remote villages We are grateful for the pastors and missionaries who serve faithfully in remote communities. Recently MARC began assisting a ministry couple that moved to the village of Marshall. Please pray for encouragement, health, and ministry success. 24th Dwight & Kristen Wenger (Flight Instructor) Praise the Lord for the safe arrival of Trent, baby boy #6, on February 23rd. Pray for grace and wisdom as they raise their boys for the Lord. Pray for wisdom to use their time wisely and to point others to the Savior. 25th Volunteers Praise the Lord for the many volunteers who are scheduled to come this year and help the ministry with various facility projects. 26th Chris & Denise Williamson (Mechanic) Praise for the new opportunities to be involved in their new church family. Pray for Hannah as she finishes her senior year. Pray for her as she makes decisions about her next steps in life. Pray as they start searching for a house to buy, that God will direct them to the right one. 27th MARC board Thank the Lord for the people that serve faithfully on the MARC Board. Pray for wisdom as they make decisions to increase the effectiveness and longevity of this ministry. 28th Bryan & Diane Wilson (Development Manager) Please pray that Bryan can complete the maintenance work on the C210 plane in Arizona soon. He is grateful for Derek’s help recently. Pray for Bryan as he works at MARC this summer doing development work and flying. Pray for Diane as she serves at a local Bible camp. Please pray that Toby can get a job in AK this summer. Diane and Charis plan to make a quick trip to England before coming to AK this summer. 29th Kids to Camp Please pray for the kids that MARC will fly to camp this summer. Pray that the Lord will prepare their hearts to receive His Truth. 30th David & Olivia Wolf (Pilot, Flight Follower) Pray for the Wolfs as they return to Alaska for their ninth summer of partnering with MARC. Pray for David as he flies and assists with flight following duties. Pray for Olivia as she is involved in many local ministry opportunities. 31st Ministry Flights Thank the Lord for a busy start to the year with an increasing number of ministry trips. Pray for safety for the flight crew as they deal with various weather conditions. THANK YOU FOR PRAYING WITH US
![]() HAPPY WINTER! We have had a very busy, successful, and exciting summer and fall! We were blessed by 22 volunteers who came to help with various projects at MARC and the mission house. The first group arrived in June and the last left at the end of October. The work that was com-pleted include: Blue hang-ar- a new bathroom and built in closet. Gold hang-ar- updated bathroom, renovated office for the director, and a new toy/play room for the kids. MARC Mission House- new lighting, trim, doors, faucet, and painted walls. These volunteers really put in the time and effort to do great work and bless this minis-try. Collier enjoyed working along side people he knew and people he met for the first time. He was so grateful for the extra hands that helped! CLICK HERE ON THE LINK BELOW TO KEEP READING... ![]()
Dear Friends of MARC,
I am grateful for the small role I have in assisting people getting to where they need to go so that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can advance. Sometimes I get to be in the cockpit with a ministry team sitting behind me. Sometimes I assist our mechanics with fixing an aircraft belonging to a missionary. Sometimes I provide flight instruction and get to share about MARC with someone who may not know the Lord. Sometimes I work on a spreadsheet, seeing how God is providing for this ministry financially. What a privilege it is to be part of God’s work by serving in missionary aviation in Alaska. I appreciate you who pray faithfully and give regularly to MARC, so that my co-workers and I can provide these services and give wings to Alaskan missions. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE... |