Dear Christian Friends, Summer is always a busy time around our homes. The kids finish up with school around the 10th of July and are getting enrolled and ready to go back to school by the 13th of August. During that time, we try to get the kids to a Christian summer camp (69 of our kids participated this year) and take some time as a home to vacation together and enjoy God’s creation. Another important activity that involves the staff and kids in our homes along with all of the churches we are partnering with, is Vacation Bible School. We believe a week of VBS is a great way to impact the children in our communities with the Good News of the Gospel. This summer has been particularly productive! We have had 9 different VBS’ in churches we are sponsoring with over 1,000 kids being impacted!! The three congregations in the mountains of Puebla had 167 different kids, Mision San Vicente – 200+ different kids, Expansion Cristiana – Texcoco – 100+ different kids, Boyeros, Texcoco – 200+ different kids, Valle de Esperanza – Atizapan – 100+ different kids, La Mesa – Toluca – anticipating 200+ kids this week, Garabato, Queretaro – anticipating 100+ different kids. The other exciting part of the VBS’ is that many of our older children and many of our staff members participate as helpers, teachers and team leaders. At least 20 of our older children and at least 15 of our staff have led out in these different VBS’. Thank you for your generosity that is blessing MANY children here in Mexico. Sincerely, Steve Ross Executive Director Niños de Mexico CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO VIEW JULY NEWSLETTER
Happy Summer! Your gifts shared with Feed My Starving Children were amazing in our 2017-2018 fiscal year. More than 913,000 children were able to eat a nourishing meal every single day this year as a direct result of your generosity and love for the least of these. I am so excited to share FMSC’s 2017-2018 Annual Report with you. Open the link to discover the faces of volunteers, families and communities that have been blessed through you. With a reliable source of food, household incomes improve because families don’t have to spend all day searching for food. People are sick less often. Relationships are greatly enriched. Communities grow stronger. Hope rekindles! By being a part of FMSC, you are aligned with God’s command to love one another. Please rejoice with me for all that was accomplished this year through your heart for the hungry. P.S. We are in need of many more hands this summer to fulfill our meal commitments for the upcoming school year. Please sign up to pack at our permanent site or a MobilePack near you. Meghan Fields, Development Representative Feed My Starving Children | | Donate | Facebook | Twitter | Blog Feeding God’s Starving Children Hungry in Body and Spirit “For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” Psalm 107:9 CHURCH JANITORS My story began many, many years ago in a small town church in Indiana. Two people in particular impressed me the most growing up in that church. Who were they? The church janitors. Yes, the church janitors. Their names were Lloyd and Mary. The thing I remember the most about them was the joy they put into cleaning the church and preparing the communion each week. Pure joy! Pure dedication! Pure servants! You see, their story changed my story! Lloyd invited my parents to church way back in the early 50's and the rest is history as they say! Today nearly 62 years later I'm the janitor in a small inner city church in central Mexico, and I love what I do. Simply cleaning God's house and preparing the communion. July 16 was a special day for me as I was able to walk the neighborhood surrounding the Ontañon church. Since our auto accident on July 4, it has been difficult to stand for long periods of time. Today was a good day. I talked to our French neighbor; talked to the parents of Max and Diego, who own the alarm shop; talked to the neighborhood carpenter and the small neighborhood store clerk just around the corner; and the lady at the bakery; and many others. What was my conversation about with each one? The church! Conversation as Christians is and should always be about the church. The opportunities it provides to others, the changes it can bring to your life and many others. Our little mission church is the only Christian Church in San Luis Potosi that serves the inner city. Our new preacher, Jose, a recent Bible College graduate, grew up living, eating, sleeping and surviving on the inner city streets of this town. Who knows better than him the needs of our neighborhood? Beginning on August 5, there will be new service times, new format, new look and much more. Jose has such a story of how God protected him and rescued him. His passion and his story will change lives. On August 19, Jose has planned a "Back to School" service at the church for the inner city children. His message for them, "be different than everyone else" as they return to classes on Monday, August 20. There will be a sack lunch and an apple for their teachers. Note books and other school supplies will be passed out to help each child as they begin a new school year. On September 16, the church will provide activities and a meal for the neighborhood as they celebrate their Mexican Independence Day. These are just a few of the opportunities Jose has planned for the neighborhood. There will also be home Bible Studies, Wednesday Prayer Service, Music Classes (Guitar and Cajon) and Leadership Classes for those wanting to serve the church and its people. Pray for Jose and the Ontañon Church of Christ as they share their story about His story! Jose's first series of sermons will be about God's grace and the salvation it brings to our lives. Well, as for me, I'm happy to be the church janitor, after 27+ years as a missionary. Doesn't sound too glamorous, but that's ok. I learned from good people back at that small town church on how to be humble and serve. Their story changed my story and I'm glad it did. If you really want to serve your church, volunteer to be the janitor! I guarantee you will love serving the Lord in this manner. I'll also lead the Wednesday night service and prepare the church for new mission opportunities throughout Mexico. Thank you for supporting our mission work and don't forget to check us out on our Facebook pages: David and Sheri DeBolt EMANUEL MEXICO MISSION IGLESIA CRISTIANA EN ONTAÑON Matthew 28:19 "Go and make disciples..." Here is the July edition of Boettcher's Airmail, we hope you enjoy it! With Love, Michael, Cayla, Alissa, Titus, Eli and Noah
Hello Friends, It has been a fun and busy summer! We hope everyone is enjoying the summer weather. We are exploring new parks and places to hike. Washington doesn't seem to run out of places to explore! We wanted to reach out and ask for prayers for tomorrow July 19th. There is gong to be an elders meeting being held at the church we are attending. During this meeting our family and the MARC ministry will be discussed. prayers that Lord willing, we will be able to present during the service and complete the last 7% of our support. We know our God is a BIG God, and if it's His will, let us reach our goal ASAP so we can head home! We have appointments lined up with members of the church that we have come to know pretty well. The church is Northwest Baptist Church in Bellingham, WA. Thank you for taking the time and efforts in supporting our family and the ministry of MARC! With much love, Collier & Allyson Hard Missionaries with MARC MEETING THE NEEDS OF OTHERS As Christians, we are asked to give up our lives in order to find them. As missionaries, we so much enjoy the time spent with family (parents, children and grandchildren). We did just that from May 23 to June 18. Each time we leave it feels just like the first time we left in 1991. It's extremely difficult, but we know we were called to meet the needs of others in another country and in order to do that we were called to leave. Upon our return on June 18, we once again find ourselves taking pictures off the walls, packing boxes and preparing to leave a house we called home for the last 3 years. We continue to answer God's call, His call to leave and to meet the needs of others. Beginning on August 12, we will return to San Luis Potosi and continue our ministry from there. In the meantime we have work to do: preach, teach and disciple those around us in churches and camps this summer. The Ontañon Church of Christ has asked us to return and be their missions outreach minister. During our first 24 years there, we traveled through Mexico helping establish churches, encourage, preach and teach leaders. We will mentor the new leaders of the Ontañon church and help provide opportunities for them to grow and become the mature leaders that the church needs today. Equipping Christian leaders, one life at a time and meeting the needs of others has been our mission for the past 27 years. We are more than blessed and feel very fortunate to serve as God's Ambassadors to Mexico and serve in this new role. For the last three years we helped prepare servant leaders for the church. In our new role, we will continue to prepare servant leaders for the church, but now have the opportunity to prepare more Christian leaders for the church, in the marketplace and beyond. Matthew 28:19 - 20 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Jesus said, Go! Which means to leave the place you call home. Make Disciples! Means to preach, teach and mentor those that have the desire to serve. That's our work, that's our mission. That's our goal of "Meeting the Needs of Others" where God leads us and guides us. In other words, we are headed back to the battle field, to help bring the light and life of Jesus Christ to those in need. Jose is joining the Emanuel Mexico Mission team. In the coming months you will begin to hear monthly reports of his work, as the lead minister of the Ontañon Church of Christ. He will be concentrating his focus to the Inner City Ministry needs that are desperately needed there. Thank you for sharing with us, praying for us and being our encouragers. God bless each and everyone of you. David & Sheri DeBolt It's been a few months since my last update, so you'll find a few various updates in this email...should be exciting! 2017/2018 School Year Wrap Up This past year was a great year for GoCorps! We had a strong staff of 11 spread out from Los Angeles to Philadelphia. We were able to share about GoCorps to over 10,000 college students! At the end of May we held GoWeek in Minneapolis and had 19 new Goers and 1 new GoCorps staff begin the training for their support raising (they have already had over $500,000 committed for their various ministries they'll be joining this fall!). Summer 2018 This summer I, along with most of the GoCorps staff, will be spending time connecting with our current supporters and looking to invite more people to join our prayer and support teams. I have already been able to meet with a number of family and friends and have been blessed and encouraged by all of them! I'm looking forward to meeting with more of you and also new friends in the coming weeks. On July 22, I will be heading down to Mexico for 5 days to help out with a high school camp with an intern our church had last summer. I will be sharing about Feed my Starving Children, a ministry our church supports. I'm excited for the opportunity to serve in this way and extremely blessed that GoCorps gives me time to be involved with missions through our church! In just over a month GoCorps will be having a 2 day GoSummit with our partnering organizations. This is always a great time to get together to celebrate what God has done and also to plan on how to be more effective in reaching those in their 20s. Fall 2018 This coming fall for GoWeek 2 we will be meeting at a new location at Camp Victory in Minnesota. We're excited to be at a new location in such a beautiful setting! The camp setting will be quite different than our GoWeek 1 location in downtown Minneapolis! We currently have 14 who have committed to joining us, along with 4 others who have completed the process and are waiting to hear back from their sending organization. Some things you can definitely be praying about are:
It has been a busy summer so far, but the warm weather and the opportunities to visit family and friends make all of the hours in the minivan worth it! We're looking forward to seeing more of you in the coming weeks. If you haven't heard from me about getting together please feel free to call (712.308.1303) or email me; I'd love to get together with you! Thanks again for all of your prayers and support! Mike & Jackie Olivia, Eden, & Brielle Dear Valley Christian Church,
GoWeek 1 finished three weeks ago and it was a great week together. 19 Goers and 1 new staff member all participated in our newly revamped GoCorps Face to Face Crowdfunding Training. All of our Goes spend the 12 weeks after GoWeek enlisting a team of friends and family to partner with them financially and in prayer for their two year placement. They will set-up 10 meetings each week and share a compelling presentation with their prospective partners. GoCorps staff Julia and Katy led the new and improved training and it was the best one yet! In fact, this class of Goers is off to the fastest pace ever in their number of meetings and in receiving commitments toward their fundraising goals! Here’s two observations from GoWeek 1:
What's next? For our Goers… They are 3 weeks into their summer campaign to raise up a team of people who will partner with them financially and in prayer. They have 9 more weeks to complete their funding and partnership needs. For our Staff… For the next month or so, much of our staff are focused on connecting with our supporters to give ministry updates and express our appreciation for our partners. For GoCorps… We are in the process of creating a specific effort to do much more of our recruiting in the digital landscape, putting things in place to connect our vision with students and young adults through social media channels and other online venues. Please pray for each of these next steps! For our Goers, staff and for the mission of the organization, each of these are super crucial to going after the vision God has given us! Together for God’s global work, Paul Van Der Werf Founder and Executive Director GOCORPS |