Someone once told us after we went through a rough time in our ministry; "If you are doing God´s will and doing God's work properly you will be blessed." At that time in our ministry it felt as though everyone had abandoned us but there was one who stuck by our side and never left us standing alone. "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven...." Matthew 6:9-10 Standing alone at times is hard, but remember if your doing God¨s will and doing God's work properly your life and ministry will be blessed. February 2021, was no exception to that rule because of the many blessings that E.M.M. received and was able to share with others. For over 30 years we instilled that basic principle in the lives of many children, to do God¨s will and not their own. Jose, our field director for E.M.M., along with many volunteers shared God´s will and love to the children of the Vallado Children's Home here in San Luis Potosi. How did Jose find this home for abandoned and abused children? You could say it all began as a dream of Jose´s as a child growing up himself in a children¨s home and being abandoned and abused as a child. He often said, "Someday I'm going to help kids like I was helped." He reached out to a children's home that he never knew or ever heard about in December 2018. He, along with other youth in the church, decided to find a children's home that no other church had ever helped. They got food together and headed out to just bring a smile to children in need. Of course you know the end result the youth were more blessed in the end. It was a total success. So much so Jose was asked to come back and help counsel some of the children, help fix their computers and more. Fast forward to today. It took over two years of patiently waiting and explaining to the directors Jose's real intention for the children. Allow the children to come to the Ontañon Church of Christ and see how God loves them even though they may have been abandoned. This is a private children's home but sponsored by the Mexican Family Services, DIF, and mainly funded by this govenment agency. They have no church affiliation, in fact they never took the children to any kind of church service. Through much patience Jose finally got the permission needed in January 2021, to finally have the children attend a service at the Ontañon Church of Christ. Just one! In February they began attending 2 services, in fact now they stay for the entire day to go to church, have lunch, play games, watch a ,movie and more. Looking back at some of the first photos you could see some pretty rebellious and I don't want to be here kids. Now there are actual smiles, laughter, singing Christian songs loud and clear and they actually want to go to church. Pray that they will soon be able to attend each week. "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." It´s wonderful to see and hear how your mission gifts are truly changing lives. This is just one of the many ministry opportunities we provided for children, youth and adults to the inner city of San Luis Potosi in February. Thank you for allowing us to do God's will and God's work. Jesus said, "Let the little children come unto me." Luke 18:16 God never closes a door before He opens a new door of opportunity. Thankful for what He has done, what He is doing and what He will continue to do through the ministry of E.M.M. Field Director: Jose Manuel Gonzalez Field Office Coordinator: Xitlali Ortiz Facebook: Emanuel Mexico Mission Iglesia Cristiana en Ontañon General Directors: David and Sheri DeBolt Comments are closed.