![]() "Purpose Driven" "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 We are all called to share the gospel, but only a select few are willing to accept a higher calling and that is to serve on a foreign field. It's not about what we have done, but how God has used our willingness to "get the job done". We were called to get the mission back on the right track and we did. In the meantime, God used us to see that His Church, His Doctrine and His People would be guided by the Truth. "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life!" John 14:6 Our ministry over the past 29 years, the past 5 years and even the past 2 years have been tremendously blessed. Why? We consistently follow God's will and purpose for our lives. Your prayers and financial gifts are being used in ways you or I could have never imagined. Christian leaders are being trained, the hungry are being fed, young lives are being transformed into responsible Christian adults, an inner city church is being used as a light to the world and much more is being accomplished for the Kingdom. Jose had the opportunity to travel to Lakeville, Minnesota (Febuary 18-28), and share the ministry he is involved in at E.M.M. The Valley Christian Church blessed his life tremendously as a child growing up in the children's home. Now Jose is preaching the Word, all because you continue to bless him and the ministry of Emanuel Mexico Mission. We continue to repair the vehicles, we are in the middle of remodeling the main kitchen, the roof is leaking over the main structure, 2020 property taxes are due soon, or how about helping us get Jose health insurance or would you consider supporting Jose financially? These are just a few of the ways that you can help, but more importantly it allows us to serve the best way possible to everyone who enters into the doors of Emanuel Mexico Mission. PURPOSE DRIVEN MISSION PURPOSE DRIVEN SUPPORTERS PURPOSE DRIVEN MISSIONARIES Jose A. Manuel Gonzalez David and Sheri DeBolt DONATIONS: Made Payable to: Bluffton First Church of Christ - Memo: David and Sheri DeBolt Mailing Address: 2950 E. - 350 N. Bluffton, Indiana 46714 FACEBOOK: David DeBolt Sheri Lynn Emanuel Mexico Mission Iglesia Cristiana en Ontañon Comments are closed.