![]() MULTI-TASKING Doing or accomplishing several things at the same time is not for everyone. But, the ministry requires a preacher or in this instance a missionary to multi-task! While Sheri was in the states this past May to July, she was asked an interesting, but a bewildering question. "What is it you exactly do down there?" The short answer, "God's work", for the past 32 years, since leaving the comforts of two secure jobs, a home, finances and family that's the quick answer. The long answer, since 1987 when we answered the call to full time ministry we have never allowed our lack of funds to hinder our call. The call was to make Disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). We have never allowed other doctrinal beliefs move us from our position of being "Church of Christ/Christian workers only". We have served in several areas from house parents, to counselors, to cooks, nurses, doctors, chauffeurs, maintenance (janitor), mechanic, minister to ministers, teacher, leader, preacher and many other missionary hats. In the past 32 years, we have nurtured and led hundreds of young people to know Christ. Currently we are juggling, or should I say Multi-Tasking, a number of ministries who others never thought possible or could become a reality. 1. Established the first ever "Christian Counseling Center" in San Luis Potosi, inside Emanuel Mexico Mission. 2. Planted the Ontañon Church of Christ in 1992, and today we have a full-time ordained minister, to which, by the way, we raised up as a small street boy. 3. In this past year, we have been involved in camps extending from far southern to northern Mexico, VBS programs, street ministry to gangs and Rehabilitation Center for drug and alcoholic abusers. 4. We continue to care full time for children. Example: Lupe and Pablo lost their father, their mother has mental problems even to this day and they were being abused by other family members. The ministry continues to care for the abandoned and abused children of Mexico. 5. Opened the ministry facility to host "Christian Leadership Workshops" each week. A total sucess, as we see the churches and church leaders come together for one common cause. "It's not about us, It's all about God." Unity! 6. Our housing and retreat center continues to function, as guests have come as far away as Minnesota, to all over Mexico this past year. "Our home is your home". 7. We were able to hold two major events this year. A four state Christian Youth Conference and the city wide Christian Youth Retreat of San Luis Potosi, all within the facilities of Emanuel Mexico Mission. 8. The Food Pantry: As food is given to us we distribute to children's homes, widows and shut ins. 9. The kitchen is used 7 days a week, 3 meals a day. Also each Sunday after church we have a coffee and cookie fellowship ministry. A church hit! 10. Meetings have begun by church leaders and Emanuel Mexico Mission to establish a new Bible College using the facilities of Emanuel Mexico Mission all the while we are caring for young people, do church work, hold seminars and more. These are just a few of our opportunities of ministry service. The amazing thing is we have less funds this past year than ever before, but are accomplishing more of "God's Work". Actually less than what we had in 1991, when we moved to San Luis Potosi. So I guess you could say we are being good stewards of God's gifts and facility that He has given us to minister with. So "what is it you exactly do down there?" "God's Work" as we Multi-Task for the Lord and His Kingdom. Just doing what a regular country boy (farmer), turned missionary knows what to do. Multi-Tasking for the King! David DeBolt FACEBOOK: Emanuel Mexico Mission Iglesia Cristiana en Ontañon David DeBolt Sheri Lynn Comments are closed.