20/20 Vision - Vision 2020
As we enter into a new year, we have our eyes clearly focused and our vision clearly set! Hebrews 12:2, says "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus". With the help of many in 2019, we were able to revive and rebuild the mission for what it was established to do. "Make disciples, baptize them and teach them." Matthew 28:19-20. During 2019, we fed the hungry, counseled those in need, cared for the abandoned and abused, provided countless opportunities for spiritual growth amongst our church leaders and more. Emanuel, Emmanuel, Immanuel are all spelled differently, but carry the same meaning "God With Us" Matthew 1:23 And He was certainly with us during 2019. Today we continue to care for youth on a 24/7 basis. The Ontañon church is more focused than ever to continue to teach and disciple. Workshops and seminars are providing the help church leaders need to be the men and women that the Church of Christ needs today. Last year is gone and now we have 365, new opportunities to grow and reach people with the message of Jesus Christ. Changes are not always welcome, but are necessary for growth. The physical work of restoring the facility continues, but our main focus is not on the material, but on the spiritual. Work is being done to establish the Emanuel School of Missions and Ministry, inside the facility of Emanuel Mexico Mission. A survey was taken of all Church of Christ ministers in San Luis Potosi and one of the outstanding aspects of the survey showed that 75%, of the ministers have to work a full time or part time job to provide for their families and ministries. Providing a place for them to learn, with updated resources and teachers highly capable to teach will help build better leaders and a stronger church body in San Luis Potosi. Classes will begin in August and hours will be from 6:00p.m. - 10:00 p.m., Tuesday to Friday. During the next 8 months, 3 different week long seminars will be held to introduce the subjects and materials to be given. All the while we will continue to care for young people in need of a home under the same roof of E.M.M. Provide the counseling needed from our counseling center for the area churches and those in need. The Ontañon Church of Christ will continue to use the facility for Bible studies, worship services and youth events. What I have just outlined is a need to be filled, not a dream or a goal of anyone person or persons. For the last 30 weeks, our leadership workshops provided leaders the opportunity to simply learn and they are asking for more opportunities to grow spiritualy. Jose continues to take on more responsibilities inside the mission, as well as his full time responsibility at the Ontañon Church of Christ and is taking the lead role in this new opportunity for a school of missions and ministry. 20/20 Vision - Vision 2020 is not a theme or a title and not to be taken lightly. It is a responsibility for both you and I to set our vision clearly on Jesus Christ. Set our focus and set our thoughts not on what was or could have been, but on what we can accomplish together for the Church of Christ today. Our financial base is set, we now need it to grow so we can reach the inner city and beyond with the life saving message of Jesus Christ. In the coming weeks, if you would like to help buy a tire (4) for the van, restore the baptistery, repair the main roof, continue to help repair the plumbing needs, refinish the kitchen, help us provide a Sunday School class for a church in Oaxaca, provide transportation for Jose, provide funds for the teachers and staff we will have or provide for the needs of the youth living in the mission. Send your gift for a specific need or opportunity for us to maintain the facility and its ministry outreach in its best condition. Hebrews 12:2 clearly says "Fix your eyes on Jesus", 2020, is upon us and there is no turning back the clock to 2019, Our vision is set on 2020, to be a year of new opportunities. A year where people can see that Emanuel Mexico Mission is serious about what they are doing. And what is that? "Make Disciples, baptize them and teach them." 20/20 Vision - Vision 2020 "Fix your eyes on Jesus". David DeBolt Facebook Pages: Emanuel Mexico Mission Iglesia Cristiana en Ontañon David DeBolt Sheri Lynn Comments are closed.