THANKS GIVING Yes, it is that time of year to give thanks where thanks are due! Thanks to the many wonderful supporters of Emanuel Mexico Mission. Because of you we are able to reach people that are in desperate need of a friend named Jesus. A special Thanks Giving greeting and thank you to the LaFountaine Christian Church for beginning to support the ministry of Emanuel Mexico Mission. New supporters like this is not only an encouragement to us as missionaries, it reaffirms to us we are following God's will for the inner city ministry we are undertaking. Caring for Youth, Counseling Center, Leadership Training, Church ministries and much more are taking place because of the funds provided by churches, Sunday School classes, friends and family who believe in the ministry of Emanuel Mexico Mission. Another Thanks Giving greeting and special thank you goes out to the Valley Christian Church for their overwhelming monthly support, special gifts and prayers. This church has taken a lead role in seeing that the ministry facility is being well taken care of and updated to cover all the city, state and federal regulations that are required by Family Services, Health Department, Fire Department and Civil Protection. Caring for the Youth that are living in the mission is a 24/7 responsability and all the church activities mean that people are in constant use of the mission facility. Valley is also the first church to support Jose, our preacher, apart from the ministry. We know that many families will be gathering together this Thanksgiving season to give thanks, eat well, watch football and much more. That's why at this time of year we want to give a special Thanks Giving greeting to those that support this mission and its ministry outreach to the inner city of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Thanks for giving: Brad and Julie, Daron and Melissa, Kirk and Teresa, Mark and Emilie, Larry and Peg, Rod, Judy, Eunice, Valley Christian Church, Brownsville Christian Church, Bluffton First Church of Christ, LaFountaine Christian Church, Standard Bearer's Sunday School class, Shining Light Sunday School class, Garcia Family, Glenn and Angie, Phil and Angel, Delpha, Justin and Sarah, Joan, Floyd and Betty &, Stephen and Julie. Thanks Giving to each and everyone of you. Once again the gifts given by this list of many supporters reaffirms to us that we are carrying out God's will. The needs list is long for the ministry. If you personally want to support the ministry or a specific need, please let us know. In closing, let us give thanks where thanks are due! THANKS GIVING 1. Thank you God for giving us the means to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. 2. Thank you Jesus for giving us our salvation. 3. Thank you Holy Spirit for giving us the strength and courage to boldly stand our ground and share our faith. 4. Thank you Churches for giving of your tithes and offerings so we can carry out the Great Commission. 5. Thank you Sunday School classes for giving that extra gift each month. 6. Thank you to those special families (husbands, wives and children) for giving and including in their monthly budgets a gift to Emanuel Mexico Mission. 7. Thank you to each individual for giving to support us personally and to the mission. 8. Thank you for giving so others can know Jesus loves them. 9. Thank you for giving your prayers for your missionary partners. 10.Thank you for giving those extra special gifts such as cards, messages, phone calls, video calls and much more. Thanks Giving for Missionaries is a year long celebration. David and Sheri DeBolt CONTACT INFORMATION: Giving: Check payable to Bluffton First Church of Christ - memo- David and Sheri DeBolt Address: Larry DeBolt 2950 E. - 350 N. Bluffton, IN 46714 Facebook pages: Emanuel Mexico Mission Iglesia Cristiana Ontañon (church) David DeBolt Sheri Lynn Comments are closed.