The following is a missionary tribute to my father who served unselfishly with us as a steadfast and quiet voice cheering us on for over 30 years as we served on the mission field. An American farm boy and farmer, a Korean war veteran who fought on the front lines as a Tank Platoon Sergeant of the 73rd Heavy Tank Battalion, a successful salesman for 60 years, a father of three boys, a loving husband for 69 years, and a missionary dad who once told his doctor, "I´m too busy for this operation, I have missionary work to do." Needless to say, he missed his last trip to Mexico and followed his doctor´s orders. That was my dad, Floyd W. S. DeBolt, who passed away at the age of 93, on January 10, 2022. He loved living the country life, he served his country with honor and we never missed a Sunday going to church including Sunday School, no matter how bad the winters would get. He proudly served as a church trustee and church deacon at the Markle Church of Christ, Markle, Indiana. The small 40 acre farm that he loved to till and harvest was a place for all our city cousins to spend their summers helping us walk and hoe the fields, bale straw and bale hay. His success as a salesman was well known as he not only sold furniture, he sold with confidence the product he was selling and with every sale he made a friend. He once took his 3 speed on the column, 1963 Chevy pickup to Joplin, Missouri. He loaded up his truck to take Dick and Eunice and their 3 little boys so Dick could study at Ozark Bible College. Twenty four years later, he would load up his truck once again and help his middle son and their family of three little girls as they began their missionary journey at Cincinnati Bible College and later to Mexico. He never complained, never said when ya coming home. There were many a tear shed each time we left to go back to serve. We knew he was proud but we also knew down deep inside he was hurting as we boarded each flight. He taught us to live with no regrets and that we´ve done as we said our final goodbye that early January morning in his home at River Terrace. Thank you dad for teaching life´s most basic skills on that small plot of ground near Zanesville, Indiana. For serving with honor and dignity your country during war times. For making each one of your boys work as you did at Sears Roebuck and Co., by saying, I want more for you but at least you will have learned how I provided for our family". You and mom were a team for over 69 years and you both taught us the joy of giving to missionaries that visited our church each year. You would say, "take the quarter you earn each week and give it back to God." "Well, done, well done My good and faithful one Welcome to the place where you belong Well done, well done My beloved child" (words from the song, Well Done, by the Afters) He recieved full military honors on January 14, 2022. An American flag was draped over his casket, he recieved an honorable 21 gun salute for his military service, Army taps were played in his honor and his great grandson, Alexander David Lobo, who is now serving in the military, helped fold the American flag that covered his great grandfathers casket, Honor where honor is due. I truly believe that missionary parents sacrifice much more than their missionary children. They sacrifice time not spent with their children, grandchildren, holidays with empty chairs at the table and special family gatherings throughout the year. They sacrifice their time making sure their children are not forgotten by the churches that support them. They sacrifice their personal income. Dozens if not hundreds of letters written each year always sent with love. Countless stamps and mailings for the ministry are a labor of love not a burden. The list is nearly endless in the love and sacrifice they give. I´ll close with a few lines from a song called, Nothing to prove by Phillips, Craig and Dean "So many things I learned from you ´Bout life and love and play But I learned more by how you lived Than what I heard you say Saying live with no excuses Live with no regrets Laugh a lot and leave this life With nothing left unsaid Make this world a better place Don´t be afraid to cry When it´s finally time to say goodbye There´s nothing´ to prove, nothing´ to lose Nothing´ to hide I only wanna live my life Half as well as you To leave behind what I recieve Is all I wanna do" Thank you dad for giving your very best to the Lord, to your family, to your country, to your church and to the many who you never met but were touched by your love and generosity. I´m sure there were many to greet you that early January morning and many more will some day say, "Thank you for giving to the Lord, I am a life that was saved." (words from the song, Thank You, by Ray Boltz) "WELL DONE, WELL DONE MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL ONE WELCOME TO THE PLACE WHERE YOU BELONG WELL, DONE, WELL DONE MY BELOVED CHILD" Emanuel Mexico Mission David and Sheri DeBolt - Directors Jose Manuel Gonzalez - Field Director Comments are closed.