![]() It's been a few months since my last update, so you'll find a few various updates in this email...should be exciting! 2017/2018 School Year Wrap Up This past year was a great year for GoCorps! We had a strong staff of 11 spread out from Los Angeles to Philadelphia. We were able to share about GoCorps to over 10,000 college students! At the end of May we held GoWeek in Minneapolis and had 19 new Goers and 1 new GoCorps staff begin the training for their support raising (they have already had over $500,000 committed for their various ministries they'll be joining this fall!). Summer 2018 This summer I, along with most of the GoCorps staff, will be spending time connecting with our current supporters and looking to invite more people to join our prayer and support teams. I have already been able to meet with a number of family and friends and have been blessed and encouraged by all of them! I'm looking forward to meeting with more of you and also new friends in the coming weeks. On July 22, I will be heading down to Mexico for 5 days to help out with a high school camp with an intern our church had last summer. I will be sharing about Feed my Starving Children, a ministry our church supports. I'm excited for the opportunity to serve in this way and extremely blessed that GoCorps gives me time to be involved with missions through our church! In just over a month GoCorps will be having a 2 day GoSummit with our partnering organizations. This is always a great time to get together to celebrate what God has done and also to plan on how to be more effective in reaching those in their 20s. Fall 2018 This coming fall for GoWeek 2 we will be meeting at a new location at Camp Victory in Minnesota. We're excited to be at a new location in such a beautiful setting! The camp setting will be quite different than our GoWeek 1 location in downtown Minneapolis! We currently have 14 who have committed to joining us, along with 4 others who have completed the process and are waiting to hear back from their sending organization. Some things you can definitely be praying about are:
It has been a busy summer so far, but the warm weather and the opportunities to visit family and friends make all of the hours in the minivan worth it! We're looking forward to seeing more of you in the coming weeks. If you haven't heard from me about getting together please feel free to call (712.308.1303) or email me; I'd love to get together with you! Thanks again for all of your prayers and support! Mike & Jackie Olivia, Eden, & Brielle Comments are closed.