Dear Christian Friends, Summer is always a busy time around our homes. The kids finish up with school around the 10th of July and are getting enrolled and ready to go back to school by the 13th of August. During that time, we try to get the kids to a Christian summer camp (69 of our kids participated this year) and take some time as a home to vacation together and enjoy God’s creation. Another important activity that involves the staff and kids in our homes along with all of the churches we are partnering with, is Vacation Bible School. We believe a week of VBS is a great way to impact the children in our communities with the Good News of the Gospel. This summer has been particularly productive! We have had 9 different VBS’ in churches we are sponsoring with over 1,000 kids being impacted!! The three congregations in the mountains of Puebla had 167 different kids, Mision San Vicente – 200+ different kids, Expansion Cristiana – Texcoco – 100+ different kids, Boyeros, Texcoco – 200+ different kids, Valle de Esperanza – Atizapan – 100+ different kids, La Mesa – Toluca – anticipating 200+ kids this week, Garabato, Queretaro – anticipating 100+ different kids. The other exciting part of the VBS’ is that many of our older children and many of our staff members participate as helpers, teachers and team leaders. At least 20 of our older children and at least 15 of our staff have led out in these different VBS’. Thank you for your generosity that is blessing MANY children here in Mexico. Sincerely, Steve Ross Executive Director Niños de Mexico CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO VIEW JULY NEWSLETTER
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